Services pour l'entrepôt
Services de stockage avec la garantie de plus de 55 ans d’expérience, proposant à ses clients solutions de stockage et service d’inspection technique de rayonnages.
Une erreur s'est produite lors du traitement du modèle.
The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> mlxAssetHelperService.fetchAssetCategory(articleCatId) [in template "20101#20128#PRODUCT-CATEGORY-BANNER-STR-DEFAULT-TEMPLATE" at line 12, column 28] ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, ( ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign parentCatId = mlxAssetHelperS... [in template "20101#20128#PRODUCT-CATEGORY-BANNER-STR-DEFAULT-TEMPLATE" at line 12, column 5] ----
1<#-- Template generada automáticamente para servir de template por defecto a la estructura Product Category Banner Str -->
4<#-- Cambiar el strKey con el correspondiente del entorno -->
5<#assign productStrKey = "PRODUCT-STR" />
6<#-- Cambiar el strKey con el correspondiente del entorno -->
7<#assign productCategoryStrKey = "PRODUCT-CATEGORY-STR" />
8<#assign currentUrl = portalUtil.getCurrentURL(request) />
9<#assign article = (mlxUrlUtilService.getJournalArticleByUrl(currentUrl, locale, groupId, true))!"" />
10<#if article?has_content >
11 <#assign articleCatId = mlxCategorizationService.getPartialHierarchyForJournalArticle(themeDisplay.getUserId(), groupId, locale, article,[productStrKey, productCategoryStrKey]).getCategoryId() />
12 <#assign parentCatId = mlxAssetHelperService.fetchAssetCategory(articleCatId).getParentCategoryId()!0 />
13 <#if (parentCatId > 0) >
14 <#assign parentJournal = mlxAssetHelperService.getJournalArticleByStructureIdAndCategoryId(groupId, themeDisplay.getUserId(), article.getDDMStructure().getStructureId(), parentCatId) />
15 <#assign catProds = mlxCategorizationService.getPartialHierarchyForJournalArticle(themeDisplay.getUserId(), groupId, locale, parentJournal,[productStrKey, productCategoryStrKey]).getChilds() />
17 <aside class="corporate--product-category--relateds-links--container">
18 <div class="corporate--product-category--relateds-links">
19 <span class="corporate--product-category--relateds-links--heading"><@corporate.mlxlanguage key="mlx.related.contents" /></span>
20 <ul class="corporate--product-category--relateds-links--links-list">
21 <#list catProds as rp >
22 <#assign journalArticle = rp.getJournalArticle() />
23 <#-- Para que en el listado de articulos no aparezca el mismo desde el que se hace la llamada -->
24 <#if (article.getArticleId() != journalArticle.getArticleId()) >
25 <#assign pageinfo = mlxUrlUtilService.getUrlByJournalArticle(journalArticle, locale, groupId)?string />
26 <#assign title = mlxJournalHelperService.getStructureFieldValue(journalArticle, "name", locale) />
27 <#if ("${title!}" == "") >
28 <#assign title = journalArticle.getTitle(locale) />
29 </#if>
30 <li class="corporate--product-category--relateds-links--links-list-item">
31 <a href="${pageinfo}" title='${title}' class="corporate--product-category--relateds-links--link">${title}</a>
32 </li>
33 </#if>
35 </#list>
36 </ul>
37 </div>
38 </aside>
39 </#if>